Maple Beavers (Tuesday) Redwood Beavers (Wednesday)
We have two large Beaver Colonies, and names usually need to be put down in good time if you wish your child to join! We welcome Beavers, both boys and girls, from the age of 5¾ to 7¾ . After that age, they should join a Cub Pack.
We need to recruit new helpers, including some who are prepared to become Beaver Leaders or Assistant Leaders, in order to ensure our future. At the moment The Tuesday ‘Maple’ colony is led by the Group Scout leader, with the help and support of two Assistant Beaver Leaders, Young Leaders and parents who take their turn on a rota.
The Wednesday ‘Redwood’ Colony is Led by our Beaver Leader, with the support of the Group Scout Leader, a Beaver Section Assistant, Young Leaders and parents who take their turn on a rota.
BUSY BEAVERS Over the past few months the Beavers from both colonies have had fun playing games, finding out about Scouting in other parts of the world, finding out about Remembrance Day, singing songs, learning about recycling, being creative with Christmas crafts, entertaining the elderly, and enjoying their Christmas party.
They have visited the Yeadon pantomime, celebrated the Chinese New Year, had the opportunity to present their hobbies and collections to the rest of the Colony and have sleepovers planned both for this term and also for October. There is also a District Campfire evening soon!
Beavers work towards badges and challenges, including topics such as Healthy Eating, Keeping Fit, Faith and Camp Craft and are encouraged to be kind and friendly to others, to look after their pets, and communicate with others.
This year they will, amongst other things, be adventurous, make things, and have fun out of doors, as our Summer Term programme will focus on the outdoors. There is also a County Beaver Fun Day planned for the Summer Term.
Do contact us if you would like your child to join Beavers! You would also be very welcome to join the team! No experience necessary!!
Be part of the 10th Airedale Scout Group!